Helen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama Academy

Quotes - what they say about us

We are very proud to share with you some of the comments we have received from our children's parents. We believe that this says more about us than we ever can.

"During the parents' presentation a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't help but notice how Craig had matured and gained in confidence and self esteem in the years he has been with you. For this I thank you enormously and hope that this will help Craig in future years in whatever he chooses to do. Once again, I would like you to know how important you have been in making Craig the confident well spoken young boy he has become."
Dawn Walker

"We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude of how the program has enhanced Chloe's confidence and ability to communicate with her peers and adults. Chloe was very quietly spoken but since attending the drama program she has improved her speaking voice and is now confident at addressing school functions and meetings. Recently, one of the teachers at her school commented on how Chloe was able to express her thoughts so clearly and the manner in which she articulated her message to the group.

We enjoy attending the parent days and productions staged by the Academy. The energy and enthusiasm displayed by the students is a refreshing experience. Thank you, for your dedication and perseverance in maintaining such a high standard of work, and we look forward to many more years with your organisation."
Heather & Peter Parker

"This is to let you know how pleased we've been with your Drama classes. The benefit to my four children confidence wise, has been amazing. Fleur has really come out of her shell in the last twelve months. She has a lot of problems at school socially, as she's always looked older than she is. Kids can be so cruel at times. With drama she found her niche and she loves it. Everyone from parents to teachers to family has been amazed at her confidence this year. Fleur performed at the school camp this year and in the school play and really knocked their socks off!

Rhett's problems are totally different to Fleur's, but he's improved a lot too. Between drama and his tutoring, he's getting on top of things again. Babs and Bess just love the classes and look forward to them every week. No doubt they will really benefit too in the long term. At the moment, it’s a weekly love affair, thoroughly enjoyed by them all. We thank you!"
Therese van der Voorden

"Michael (who has learning difficulties) enjoys the classes so much. Last week he was able to take part in his school assembly, even his teachers had tears in their eyes – all thanks to the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy."
Jenny Anderson

"When I think how Callum was the first day in class, hanging onto my skirts, terrified to leave me and I look at him now, eighteen months later, I am amazed at the change. He is enthusiastic and confident. He even had his own lines to say in the play and spoke them clearly and with expression."
C. Walker

"You may remember that last year I finally left the Academy after having spent seven years with the Cottesloe studio at both Upper Primary and Youth Theatre levels. Although I miss the fun and enjoyment of the classes and end of year productions, the valuable lessons and skills I have learnt have proven to be of great service in both my social life and beyond, and will probably remain with me for the rest of my life."
Jeremy David McKenna

"I thank you for the fantastic job you did with our children! They were awesome! It proves that given the opportunity children can grow to another level."
Cape Town Principal, South Africa

"On Friday evening I witnessed the professional level of theatre that the Helen O' Grady Drama Academy is able to impart on our children and I needed to share my excitement with you. What they managed to achieve with Grade R learners was astounding! The school invested in lessons and the final product was showcased at the Prize-Giving and it was a wonderful and heart-warming experience."
Department of Education Cape Town, South Africa

"We would like to take this opportunity in thanking you and the drama teachers for making our daughter's Monday filled with laughter, humour and a love of drama . She continues to love her classes ."
Youth Theatre Parent, Cape Town, South Africa

"My daughter had her first exposure to your class on Friday, and she still talking about what a fantastic time she had. Thank you so much for making it so pleasant, as she is generally a very quiet person, and that this will allow her not to be so conservative and to have a voice (not just at home, but everywhere)."
New parent, Cape Town, South Africa

"My child was once a student who was shy but since joining the Helen O'Grady Drama Academy she has become bold, even competitive by volunteering to do the lead roles."
Parent, Nairobi Kenya

"My child just looooooves your classes and I wanted to extend a special thank you to you for caring so much and investing so much into making the classes so enjoyable for everyone. We really do appreciate it. Your passion for the arts shows and if no other parent has said so....thanks for making it special for all the kids."
Parent, Nairobi Kenya

"Hannah told me after the class…"This isn't like Drama. It's just a fun class!" Could there be any better reason for enrolling a child?!"
Cape Town Parent

"As a toddler Lara was very vocal and loud but during her Grade 1 year we noticed she started to become a bit of an introvert and more shy. We signed her up with Helen O' Grady Drama Academy in the hope that it would help her with her speech as well as aid her in being more self-confident. Although still a little shy, she has blossomed while doing drama. Her speech is clearer and she is learning to express herself better with words. Very much the drama queen, the classes give her free range to express herself and open her mind to whatever the scene for that week may be. She is encouraged to be less constrained and applauded no matter how silly we as parents may think normally. We signed her up with their agent, linked to the Drama Academy and she has done her first advert. We hope the first of many. She carried herself as a true professional and we received many compliments for the manner in which she did her very short little scene. We have only the Academy to thank!"
Cape Town Parent

"As a toddler Lara was very vocal and loud but during her Grade 1 year we noticed she started to become a bit of an introvert and more shy. We signed her up with Helen O' Grady Drama Academy in the hope that it would help her with her speech as well as aid her in being more self-confident. Although still a little shy, she has blossomed while doing drama. Her speech is clearer and she is learning to express herself better with words. Very much the drama queen, the classes give her free range to express herself and open her mind to whatever the scene for that week may be. She is encouraged to be less constrained and applauded no matter how silly we as parents may think normally. We signed her up with their agent, linked to the Drama Academy and she has done her first advert. We hope the first of many. She carried herself as a true professional and we received many compliments for the manner in which she did her very short little scene. We have only the Academy to thank!"
Cape Town Parent

"Thank you so much for the recognition yesterday. The trophy brings and overwhelming sense of excitement for the child ... and parent! It's such a brilliant idea and will be treasured. Keep up the good work."
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

"My daughter has been doing Drama at Islamia College since the last term last year. Due to certain events last year, she had become very shy and had lost self-confidence. I was so pleasantly surprised yesterday when I saw her perform on stage. It's a big step forward from last year (at the end of last year, she didn't even have the confidence to go up on stage at her Awards day to collect her award!) I would like to say a big thank you to the teachers for their support and encouragement and for helping my daughter regain her confidence."
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the great development of my child's drama capabilities. We've witnessed an amazing progress in her confidence and speech."
Cairo Parent, Egypt

"Thank you to you and the team for the encouragement and the loving nature you do the drama classes. My daughter has been extremely happy and loves acting. She has so much fun and that I am grateful to all who plays apart in her life at Helen O’Grady. Please extend my thanks to all as without all of you the results would not be so incredible."
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

"Yesterday was amazing, we really enjoyed the night. Even I had a blast like the kids! Thanks for the great efforts and the fun & joy you are spreading."
Cairo Parent

"Helen O'Grady Drama Academy was my daughter Stacey Norman's grounding, and in later years she became a radio announcer on KFM, and is now on Highveld Stereo where she has taken over the Alex Jay slot. Good grounding and good elocution goes a long way to success. Please let Helen O'Grady know she helped make Stacey's dreams come true, and made my heart as a father very proud."
Proud Cape Town Father, South Africa

"My daughter said: “I loved Edgemead drama classes so much I want to go every day. It was fun!'"
Parent, Cape Town South Africa

"I would like to share my gratitude for your Helen O’Grady Drama Academy reflected in an incident with my daughter. Today she had a presentation at school in the foreign language class and I was amazed like everyone with her presentation skills to the extend that the Dept Supervisor commented: “Wow, she is so confident of herself” And of course, I know this is no coincidence."
Cairo Parent, Egypt

"The children are delighted to know the classes are starting soon. They enjoyed each class that they attended last year with the academy, in their words 'Helen O'Grady is the best class and the best course and has the best teachers ever’. Thank you for giving my children all that fun, entertainment and pleasure while teaching them how to express themselves better and understand themselves.... and life."
Cairo, Egypt Parent

"Would like to thank you for yesterday's class. My daughter came out very happy and complaining that it's going to be only once a week and that the class duration was too short! Great impact! Looking forward to a fun-full semester!"
Happy new Parent - Cairo Egypt

""I can not believe that Anneska has come this far, and nearly fell off my chair when she spoke in such a loud, confident manner! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest with so much pride in seeing her on stage.""
Jo'burg Parent

"I don’t know what you and your team do but my child learns more in these few days than in a year at school!"
Holiday Stage School Parent, Cape Town, South Africa

""It's amazing to think how his confidence has grown since he started with you 4 years ago. I have only good things to say about your Academy and we thank you for including and accommodating both the boys.""
Port Elizabeth Mom

""I just want you to know that he always says drama class is where he is the happiest since he's been at Willow Academy. So I really thank you for making him feel that way.""
Port Elizabeth mum

Cape Town Friend, South Africa

""My daughter is one of your breeds - Helen O' Grady Drama Academy instilled confidence, communication skills and the ability to speak her heart with boldness at all times! She was with the Academy in Uitenhage for 6 yrs and she's our drama queen in the house! Thank you, Helen O'Grady Drama Academy, for what you have instilled in her. It can never be taken away!""
Daleen from Uitenhage, Eastern Cape

"I want to thank Helen O'Grady Drama academy for such a wonderful program. It feels like we have a different daughter in just 3 months. She's more open minded, speaks freely, asks questions. She has more confidence and self esteem. She listens and responds to tasks so easily. I can't believe it. When we ask her to do something she does it immediately. No bribing for a chocolate or McDonald's. It's totally shocking. I recommend anybody/parent to take their child. 10 stars for the Academy."
Cape Town Parent

"My two boys used to be shy and reserved when they were young. We then made a decision to send them to the Helen O Grady Drama Academy which happened to be based just next door to our house. The boys have not looked back since. They have developed into fine young men that express themselves with ease. Going for their drama class is always something the boys look forward to. At school the boys have become the best drama students in their grades. I have personally been impressed by the annual productions and I always look forward to all the kids give their brilliant performances on this annual event. Thank you Kerry for the difference you have brought to our kids. We really appreciate it."
Happy Parent - Jo'burg, South Africa

"Thank you for moulding our children into confident little people. As a parent, I can truly see the difference that this has made in my daughter's life."
Mrs Walters, Port Elizabeth parent

"It’s Helen O’Grady. I can’t take credit for it. Whatever you guys are doing there, it’s working. She is totally out of her shell. She is forever dramatising something and she is full of imagination and not afraid to express it!"
Windhoek, Namibia Parent

"NCBIS have been privileged to work with Helen O'Grady for 12 Years. When I arrived in Egypt 8 years ago, Helen O'Grady was already well established and had secured a reputation for bringing our school curriculum to life by providing another platform for our students to experience theatre in action. At NCBIS, we pride ourselves with making sure that all our school productions have a professional flourish and that our students are engaged, challenged and empowered throughout the process of preparing for a show. Our coach Maija Lamu is extremely talented, dedicated and reliable to work with. She has delivered some amazing participatory theatre in education programmes and has earned outstanding feedback."
Rebekah Thompson, New Cairo British International School

"“What is your proudest accomplishment?” a cliche interview question I get asked with every new step in my journey – my career in management consulting, my MBA program etc. Yet as time progresses, my answer continues to be the same: my time with HOG. My time with HOG working as a summer camp leader has not only allowed me to impact the development trajectory of wonderful kids, but has also deeply contributed to my own growth. Learning how to lead and empower others and how to create a fun and supportive environment have continued to be essential traits to my success in anything I do. They allow me to be a better manager, a better team player and a better friend & family member. HOG is truly a close knit family that has something to offer to everyone and an experience that resonates with you for a lifetime. Nothing makes me happier than seeing how the kids at camp have grown up to become terrific human beings, knowing that they benefited just as much as I did from a wonderful institution."
Teacher, Cairo

"I started working at Helen O'Grady Summer Camp in high school and through college. It was my first job ever and it taught me what it means to be responsible and hard working. Working at Helen O'Grady gave me the space to work on interpersonal skills as well. Whether it was speaking to a large group of kids or coordinating plans with other adults, the work at Helen O'Grady was very engaging and the people there were very supportive. Helen O'Grady also had a huge influence on my career choice; it made me realise how much I enjoy working with kids. I found that I really enjoy the role of helping people grow and, eventually, that led me to become a teacher. I teach middle school (the same age group I worked with at Helen O'Grady Drama Academy) and I'm really grateful for my experience for helping shape who I am today."
Teacher, Cairo

"From working with Helen O grady I became passionate about child development. I started to educate myself about it so I can give nothing less than a 100%. I was a messy and unorganized person but working here gave me the chance to improve myself to the better so I can improve other people’s lives. During the summer sessions I was challenged to think outside the box and teach dance which I was very insecure about. I was looking for a place that I feel safe in and found it."
Teacher, Cairo

"We have been among the family of Helen O'Grady since the start. For almost 15 years my two sons, Khaled 18 and sherif 14, have participated in both drama program and summer and winter camps. It has been a corner stone of fun, inclusion, friendship, teamwork and pure joy. Khaled has started at age 3 years as a camper and progressed into volunteer and finally team leader. Sherif wouldn't dream of missing one day of camp to the extent of refusing to travel abroad because that meant missing first day of camp. I am very grateful they have been part of our family for so long. I credit them for building my kids' confidence and self esteem and enjoy what it is to belong to a fun safe community."
Parent, Cairo

"It’s been Incredible! We go back to winter 2008, in December when my mother gave me and my brother the news that she has booked for us to attend HOG’s Creative Talented Campers Camp. On my first day, I had the fortune of meeting Mrs. Maija Lamu and the Creative Talented Campers family who greeted me with open arms. I remember my first day very well as soon I checked in with my team leader and met up with some of my friends from school in camp. The vibe was very positive and exciting from one activity to another. I’d participate in different sessions of sports, performing arts, fun games, cooking, arts & crafts and other recreational activities. Throughout the years, I wouldn’t miss a camp season in summer or winter during my childhood. Later on I would join the CTC Leaders in winter and summer at the age of 15 where I was assisting the campers and later on leading lower and upper primary groups for six consecutive years. The atmosphere was similar to the one I had in my family. We all want to help one another. I have been working for a Real Estate Company alongside studying for the past three years. In addition, I’ve had the opportunity and indeed the pleasure to reunite with Helen O'Grady’s Drama Academy last year for a teaching role- thanks to my leaders in camp and the example they’ve set for me and others to follow. For they, alongside the principal, have been the spark to ignite my reunion with this incredible institution that I love and admire. I can say today that Helen O Grady’s academy has played a big part in my self development, in my confidence, speaking out clearly, a key role during my childhood & teenage years in developing my character in camp and outside camp. I’ve been both lucky and thankful for everything they do to me. The campers, students, teachers and principals I have met have been one of the reasons I always returned to HOG, I will forever be grateful and privileged."
Student, Cairo

"My daughter is very shy in nature, however, since she started with Helen O'Grady Drama Academy about two years ago we saw an immediate impact on her ability to speak up in public, especially to adults and on her self confidence. Although like many other children, she has a busy after school schedule of activities, drama classes are one thing she never likes to miss, she looks forward to every single class, loves her teachers and the inclusive, loving, safe culture and atmosphere the academy, its management and its teachers create. Maija, the head of the academy in Egypt is a lovely person who is so sincere and truly caring for each and every child. Amira, our daughter's current teacher is an energy ball whose love of what she is doing and being with the kids is so contagious to everyone around her. And Sara, the academy's office coordinator with the wonderful smile makes kids and parents feel so much at home. Seeing my shy daughter stand on a stage for the first time in front of about 100 adult guests and speak a line was a moment in my life that I will never forget. Thank you all of you lovely ladies for your dedication and sincerity. Keep up the great work. I know we are in this for the long run."
Parent, Cairo

"It’s been Incredible! We go back to winter 2008, in December when my mother gave me and my brother the news that she has booked for us to attend HOG’s Creative Talented Campers Camp. On my first day, I had the fortune of meeting Mrs. Maija Lamu and the Creative Talented Campers family who greeted me with open arms. I remember my first day very well as soon I checked in with my team leader and met up with some of my friends from school in camp. The vibe was very positive and exciting from one activity to another. I’d participate in different sessions of sports, performing arts, fun games, cooking, arts & crafts and other recreational activities. Throughout the years, I wouldn’t miss a camp season in summer or winter during my childhood. Later on I would join the CTC Leaders in winter and summer at the age of 15 where I was assisting the campers and later on leading lower and upper primary groups for six consecutive years. The atmosphere was similar to the one I had in my family. We all want to help one another. I have been working for a Real Estate Company alongside studying for the past three years. In addition, I’ve had the opportunity and indeed the pleasure to reunite with Helen O'Grady’s Drama Academy last year for a teaching role- thanks to my leaders in camp and the example they’ve set for me and others to follow. For they, alongside the principal, have been the spark to ignite my reunion with this incredible institution that I love and admire. I can say today that Helen O Grady’s academy has played a big part in my self development, in my confidence, speaking out clearly, a key role during my childhood & teenage years in developing my character in camp and outside camp. I’ve been both lucky and thankful for everything they do to me. The campers, students, teachers and principals I have met have been one of the reasons I always returned to HOG, I will forever be grateful and privileged."
Student, Cairo

"I consider myself and my girls very lucky to have found the gem called Helen O grady and CTC. My daughters have attended the drama academy for six years each, and what a journey it has been watching them grow with the academy and gain so many important skills -- from presentation to confidence to collaboration, and the best part was always attending the annual performance and watching how much they have developed on stage. My daughters also joined their camps starting at 4 years old and have had the utmost fun, memories and friendships. My older daughter experienced her first job as she moved to a leader role, whereby she developed amazing leadership and organization skills and learnt what commitment means at a young age. This has reflected so positively and vibrantly in their own personalities and characters - be it at school or in general, and I'm truly grateful for this."
Parent, Cairo

"Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has helped me build up my self esteem and develop both my communication and social skills. The Academy has also helped me discover a creative part of me which I did not know and also taught me to be able to fit in anywhere I find myself in the world."
Lagos Student, Nigeria

"Congratulations on a magnificent holiday programme and performance last week. Your dedication, passion and professionalism is a shining star in our lives. You are all Miracle Workers. Thank you!"
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

"I'm so proud of what you doing wth the young children of Kenya. Naturing talent is the best you can do to a child!"
Nairobi Parent, Kenya

"Well done for an entertaining show on Sunday morning ! Thank you so much for giving the little ones the confidence to be comfortable with their surroundings. And most importantly with themselves …"
Parent - Cape Town, South Africa

"“Thank you so much for an absolutely wonderful evening – and a wonderful year for my son. He used to have such terrible self-esteem, calling himself the dumbest in class, uncool, etc, so this is just wonderful. You have done so much for his confidence!”"
Parent Pretoria, South Africa

"My child has grown so much in confidence over the last few months, which is a pleasure to witness!"
Bloemfontein Parent, South Africa

"We would like to express our appreciation and gratitude of how the program has enhanced Chloe's confidence and ability to communicate with her peers and adults. Chloe was very quietly spoken but since attending the drama program she has improved her speaking voice and is now confident at addressing school functions and meetings. Thank you, for your dedication and perseverance in maintaining such a high standard of work, and we look forward to many more years with your organisation."
Johannesburg Parent, South Africa

"Thank you for giving our children the opportunity to participate in the drama programme. It is refreshing to see the limitations taken off our children and to see them express themselves freely."
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

"During the parents' presentation, I couldn't help but notice how Craig had matured and gained in confidence and self esteem in the years he has been with you. For this I thank you enormously and hope that this will help Craig in future years in whatever he chooses to do. Once again, I would like you to know how important you have been in making Craig the confident well spoken young boy he has become."
Durban Parent, South Africa

"Helen O’Grady Drama Academy has helped to stimulate my creativity, my communication skills and has also given me a positive self image."
Lagos Student, Nigeria

"Even though she has only been a member of your amazing Academy for a term and a half, I have seen a remarkable improvement in her self confidence and have been amazed at how her shyness (especially in talking to people she has only just met) is receding."
Cape Town Parent, South Africa

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"During the parents' presentation, I couldn't help but notice how Craig had matured and gained in confidence and self esteem in the years he has been with you. For this I thank you enormously and hope that this will help Craig in future years in whatever he chooses to do. Once again, I would like you to know how important you have been in making Craig the confident well spoken young boy he has become."

- Durban Parent, South Africa