Classes- school programmes
Throughout the world, the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy conducts classes at primary and secondary schools, during school hours and after school. The Academy’s extensive international drama curriculum is used exclusively in these schools and students can progress from 5-18 without ever repeating a lesson. All teachers employed by the Academy are highly qualified drama teachers, with specialist training in the Helen O’Grady Drama System.
The following options are offered to Schools:
Free Workshops
We visit your school and conduct free drama workshops. The purpose of this is for your school to see how the programme works and allows your students an opportunity to have a unique drama experience.
Drama Classes - One Term Only
We visit your school, for a whole term, and conduct the programme with one or more classes, during school hours. Such classes can be Kindergarten (3-5 years), Lower Primary (5-8 years), (Upper Primary 9-12 years), and Youth Theatre (13-18 years).
Drama Classes - Yearly Programme - During School Day
The Academy runs its award-winning programme throughout the year conducting classes during the school day and includes a Parents Day in Term 2 and a short, scripted production at the end of the school year. Our rates can be based on two options:
half hour or full hour classes during school time. The Academy completes reports in conjunction
with the school's reporting system and presents its own certificates to the students.
Drama Classes - After School Programme
We will conduct our yearly programme (as described above) directly after school, on school premises, exclusively for the students attending your school. In order for this to be successful, we would need to have a minimum of 2 classes of 15 students each, or one class with a minimum of 20 students. We cater for separate Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Youth Theatre classes. We are able to accommodate up to 25 students per class.