Helen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama Academy

South African Locations

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South Africa Head Office

Helen O'Grady (South Africa) CC
P.O. Box 211032
The Fig Tree, 6033
Port Elizabeth, South Africa

P: +27 (0) 41 367 1210

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Top quote

"I want to thank Helen O'Grady Drama academy for such a wonderful program. It feels like we have a different daughter in just 3 months. She's more open minded, speaks freely, asks questions. She has more confidence and self esteem. She listens and responds to tasks so easily. I can't believe it. When we ask her to do something she does it immediately. No bribing for a chocolate or McDonald's. It's totally shoc..."

- Cape Town Parent