Helen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama AcademyHelen O'Grady Drama Academy

Classes - holiday programmes

Holiday Programmes (Selected Academies only, please contact us)

The Academy’s holiday programmes aim to compliment the work completed during the term-time programme and take students to the next level of their personal development. Holiday programmes vary in the different regions as the Academy hires experts in different fields of performance arts to develop the students.
Students from our academy
The programme lasts for three-hours a day. During each day students gain an hour’s experience of three theatrical disciplines, which could include: singing, dance, drama, mask-making, puppetry, mime, costume design and physical theatre.

The highlight of the holiday programme is a ‘workshop’ performance for Parents and Friends.


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"I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the great development of my child's drama capabilities. We've witnessed an amazing progress in her confidence and speech."

- Cairo Parent, Egypt